What’s Your Range?

Let’s dive right into it: Do you know the singer with the greatest vocal range known to man….well documented on a studio recording? Oh well, it eeeeees…. ***drumroll*** From Hollywood, California… The man with a whopping vocal range of 4.5 octaves… Mr. You-Know-Where-You-Are-You’re-In-The-Jungle-Baby… Axle Rose  Well, I can’t say I’m really surprised. ‘Cause if you’ve…

Wanna Move In With Me?

A whacky (but true) story: Back in the day when learning to sing was still treated like an art in itself, it was very common for the Italian singing masters that… The young and willing student would move in with the teacher.  Eating everything he ate… Going everywhere he went… Sleeping for as many hours…

Winner or Loser?

Are you on the way to singing success or have you set yourself up for failure? Read on and make your own judgment… Losers practice to fatigue each dayWinners practice 15 minutes each day Losers half-ass 100 exercises Winners master 10 exercises   Losers seek FREE youTube singing hacksWinners invest in good singing systems  Losers are looking…

The ONLY one you should really listen to

I don’t like them. The singing gurus on YouTube covering song after song…just to show off their chops. And I sometimes even wonder, why they do this…at least in such an amount,  Is it vanity? The craving for attention in Covid-ridden times? I don’t know. I don’t care. And neither should you. Listen… There’s only…

How to stand out like a sober rockstar

Everyone who has the urge to become a better singer strives for the same obvious things. Like… Hitting those marvelous high notez… Sing right on pitch… Develop a stunning vibrato… And so on.  Now, while all this totally makes sense…there’s one question that could immediately change your status as a singer…even if your vocal skills…