How to stand out like a sober rockstar

Everyone who has the urge to become a better singer strives for the same obvious things. Like… Hitting those marvelous high notez… Sing right on pitch… Develop a stunning vibrato… And so on.  Now, while all this totally makes sense…there’s one question that could immediately change your status as a singer…even if your vocal skills…

Singing Principles From The Golden Age

Let’s shed some sunlight on the very mysterious topic of singing principles.   Well, if you’ve already shopped around on YouTube or other vocal coaches websites you might have found out that every singing technique has it’s on principles.    With that being said… The technique Yours Shameless uses to musically express himself -aka belt…

YouTube Singing Lessons Untold

Yesterday I watched the movie ‘Dracula Untold’.  It’s basically about Graf Vlad before he became the blood sucking Lord of Darkness.  Desperate to save his family and his tribe from the marching Ottoman army…he seeks help from an ancient vampire living in a cave carpeted in crushed bone.  After drinking some of the vampire’s blood,…

How Mega Stars Sing In Sickness

Years ago, I read probably one of the best Freddie Mercury biographies out there.  The book was written by Peter Freestone and, being a huge Queen fanboy at the time, it was a delight to get some insights into Freddie’s crazy life.  One story was about how one day Freddie woke up totally sick and…

Why most singing courses fall flat

Time for some disillusions, buddy. I don’t have any exact numbers, but my wild guess is that 80-90% of all singing courses flat out don’t work. No matter how hard you try, no matter how diligently you work your cords…you are doomed for failure before you even start. And here’s why… Usually it goes like…

Practice makes defect

One of the biggest mistakes I see newbie singers make is practicing too much. And by doing so they’re really sabotaging themselves. Look at me, I was a perfect example of a young gun, who thought more is more. When I started taking voice lessons, back in the day when dinosaurs still roamed the earth,…

Do You Still Got The Urge To Sing?

There are probably two kinds of singers out there: The young bloods who want a shortcut to one helluva voice…then lose interest if they don’t see it happening (*surprise*) The true singers. Dedicated artists who are connected to music and singing on a deeper level …regardless of their age or skill level If you fall…

The no.1 quality of a good singing voice

What do you think is the most important quality in your voice that makes it so people refer to you as a real singer?  It’s not what most people might believe. Not the incredible high notes… Not the free vibrato… Not the acrobatic divesque coloratura… Not the powerful volume… And not even the warm timbre that regularly gets your…