
A bizarre experience from a bloke from a land down under

“Today, I was complimented on my improved performance over the last 3 months. My boss said he doesn’t know what I’ve done to improve, but to keep it up. I’d only started looking for another job, and stopped giving a shit.”


To be honest: Doesn’t surprise me the slightest.


Often, the harder we try to get good results the less likely they happen. 

And it doesn’t matter if it’s…

Making more money…
Finding your soulmate…
Ripping your body…
Running a marathon…
Or earning more respect from your boss.

And guess what?

When speaking of singing, it’s prolly the worst thing you could do.

Doggedly trying to hit a high note or nail pitch won’t get you anywhere.

But don’t get me wrong.

It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice regularly, try improving every day a bit, and keep striving for your big music goals.

But you can do all tis either with a laid-back mindset or tensed-up.

Only, the difference is huuuuge.

Because staying relaxed while working towards your goals will get you there not only way faster, you’ll also enjoy the ride much more.

The key to get this fu*!-off attitude?


And do you know what boosts your self-esteem?

KNOWING you’re on the right track. 

Not hoping, guessing or pretending.

When people start complimenting you on your voice, when songs start getting easier for you…then it’s a clear sign you’re on the right track.

And here’s what I can do for you:

My soon-to-be-launched singing program “Unstuck your chest voice” has the potential to get you exactly on this right track. 

In this singing course I reveal to you the single most powerful lever in your voice and how you can use it as your ticket to your upper register.

To get on the waiting list and benefit from a massive discount, go here: 

Your pal

Felix “Bon” Cerny