Are you a singer, a guitar player, a drummer or bass player? Or maybe you’re even a producer, a DJ or an audio engineer?
Do you know your craft and enjoy writing?
Cool…so, why not make some good money by starting your own blog?
You have not the slightest clue know how to go about it?
I’ve got your back. It’s actually much easier than you think. In the next few minutes let me give you some ideas how to start a music blog and eventually make money out of it.
No Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
But before we talk about your first step… give yourself a break and think for a minute why you even want to do this.
If you’re in desperate need of cash, then you’d better think again if this is the right thing for ya.
Because…it can take you up to 12 months before you even see the first dime hit your bank account.
“Why so long?” you may say.
Reason is, Google‘s algorithm needs time to trust your site.
No trust = bad ranking = only few people know that your site even exists = almost zero traffic.
But don’t panic like most of the newbie bloggers who give up within the first 6 months. The funny thing here is: Most of them are probably pretty close to their breakthrough. But they quit because they can’t see what’s underneath the surface.
Here’s my guess …
If you are really interested in blogging about something you’re passionate about, then cashflow will not be your primary goal. And the less needy you are…the more money you’re going to attract.
But first pay all attention to…
Start A Music Blog In a Sub-Niche
When you take a look at Google, you will find that almost every topic is already covered.. multiple times. This fact could easily discourage you right away.
I tell you: Don’t be.

Because the answer is niching down.
“What the heck does that mean?”
Well, it simply means that you should fish in a smaller pond. Where you have less competition.
Countless Opportunities Are Right Before Your Naked Eye
Let me give you an example.
Let’s say you are a guitar player and want to start a music blog. Instead of making it too general, you could focus on a certain group of people, like children, elderly people, men, women, people who work a 9-to-5 job, and so on.
You could also address their different skill levels in playing the guitar. Or you could focus on lead guitar instead of rhythm guitar. Or vice versa.
You see, by niching down, your chances to become the go-to blogger in a certain area will increase tremendously.
Anyway, also keep in mind that…
You Are Unique
Like Sinead O’Connor sang in her number one hit: Nothing compares to you.
Even if you write about the same topic hundreds of other writers do, you will give different answers.
Because every one is a unique combination of many talents. No one has made exactly the same experiences as you and nobody knows exactly the same stuff like you do.
For example, my singing tips for absolute beginners are not the same you get from another blog.
So, once you know your sub-niche you are ready to…
Get Your “.Com” Domain…And Nothing Else
The next step for you is to get a domain with a coherent name like e.g. “guitarheros”.
You see, it’s much about branding here. You wouldn’t want to call a guitar blog something like “”.
Makes sense?
Always look for a .com domain, because these are the most respected ones. After you’ve purchased the domain, you need a host provider. There are several around like Go Daddy or Host Gator. Ask Google and decide for yourself.
Learn The Ropes of Blogging to Set Yourself Up for Success
Okay, here comes the catch…
There are some principles you simply have to know, to make your blog successful.
It has a lot to do with SEO knowledge and writing compelling posts to engage your audience.
Thus, I strongly recommend you learn your craft before you even write your first letter.
If you asked me where to learn I will always send you to Wealthy Affiliate. That’s where I started and they do a phenomenally great job in giving a comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow step-by-step training.

These guys teach you pretty much everything you have to know about blogging… and even better…how to make money from your blog. Which is, what you’re secretly seeking to accomplish at the end of the day.
As you can see, blogging is no rocket science.
You just have to learn some basic stuff like …
– How to structure an article
– How to find the right keywords
– How to implement SEO, so that you get ranked on Google, Bing and Yahoo
If you want to save yourself some precious time…then just follow the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Start Blogging Now
The good thing about the Wealthy Affiliate training program is: You can start blogging immediately and fine-tune your skills along the way.
You’ll want to write a new blog post at least 2 times a week. Taking into account you’re a master of your craft, this should be a piece of cake for you, shouldn’t it?
Create Traffic Like a Lead-Gen Jedi
All right, so you’re still with me? Great.
I can already picture you… cranking out your blog posts like ku-razy.
Now it’s time to think about generating traffic.
1) Search Engines Are Kings
No doubts, Google is still the traffic source no1. If you can make it on the first page of Google you’ve done everything right and visitors will start flocking in.
The bad news is: depending on your niche, this can take a while.
So, don’t expect high Google rankings within the first couple months. Just keep writing awesome and relevant content and apply some of the SEO hacks. Everything else is just a matter of time.
Research shows that most websites experience a sharp increase in traffic after 6-8 months, followed by a constant rise over the next months.
It seems Google needs that time-frame to gain trust.
But please, don’t rely solely on Google.
2) The Power Of Social Media Platforms
I have good news for you. If you don’t want to wait that long until you can reach a certain traffic level…you still have other options to boost the traffic to your site. I recommend throwing it all on the wall and see what sticks.
You can expect the best results from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.

The task here is not to simply post or tweet, but follow other people in your chosen field. Engage in discussions and gain authority.
Rule number one though is: “Create value”.
Gary Vaynerchuck is an expert in this field. If you want to learn from him, check out my review of his bestselling-book Crushing it!.
And Gary Vee recommends you to…
3) Use Discussion Forums As Your Secret Weapon
To generate even more traffic you should definitely go to forums like Reddit or Quora.
That’s where your target group hangs out. That’s where they talk to each other. And it’s a great opportunity for you to chime in.
Here’s how it goes…
Get a free account and subscribe to a subcategory (your niche). Then simply answer upcoming questions and link to a specific post of your site.
So, let’s say someone asks how to create new drum patterns in Logic Pro X. You answer the question on a general level. Then you write something like “Actually I’ve recently written an article about exactly how to create new drum patterns”.
Add Value First And Attract New Visitors
If your general answer to the questions incline that you know what you’re talking about, readers will click on your link to get more in-depth information.
Sure, you can use this method to attract more visitors to your site. But basically it’s all about adding value.
If you try out this strategy (which I urge you to do), bear in mind that you stick to the policy of these forums.
That means, always provide valuable answers first. They will allow you to post a link to your post in addition, but NOT to post any affiliate links.
Flush Out Real Money From Your Blog
Just a quick recap of what we’ve learned so far.
By now you should know…
…How to start a music blog and
….How to generate constant and reliable traffic to your blog
All right, now it’s time to make some money!

And how can we make money?
By selling products people are interested in.
With an online business, you have several product options.
1) Sell Advertising Space on Your Website
The biggest players in this industry are Google Adsense, Amazon CPM ads or
A lot of bloggers do this way of monetizing, but personally I wouldn’t recommend doing it.
Here’s why…
First of all, it’s almost ridiculously little money you are getting for placing cheap-looking ads on your website. Even if you have thousands of visitors a day you’ll only make a few dollars.
What’s more, a website stuffed with ad banners can really repel readers and destroy your credibility.
Try it out for yourself. Some ads are more decent, but in general there are better alternatives for monetizing your blog.
2) Easy Money With Affiliate Marketing
A great way to make money from your blog is by acting as an affiliate for other companies. All you have to do is recommend their products to your audience.
Let’s say you write a review about the newest drum kit plugin and how it can boost the quality of your tracks. At the end of your article you post a link, where your readers can purchase the plug-in.
If a user clicks on this link and eventually buys the product, you get paid a nice commission.
Easy money, isn’t it?
It’s Like Getting Royalties From a Song You Wrote Years Ago
You only have to write an article ONE time and money keeps rolling in for the next few years.
But how can you become an affiliate?
Well, first off you have to participate in the affiliate program of a company. (Most of the bigger companies have such an affiliate program in place).
You can just google, e.g “music production affiliate program” and you’ll get tons of results.
Choose a company with great products you like and submit your application. After that you will be provided with an affiliate link that tracks the customers coming from your site.
That’s all.
There are some bigger overarching companies like Clickbank, where you can find thousands of different products.
Another great option is Amazon’s affiliate program called Amazon Associates.
3) Pull In Biggest Profits With Your Own Products
One of the most lucrative ways to make money from your blog is by selling your own stuff.
For sure this is not for everyone. There are many bloggers, who are skilled writers and can make big bucks just by going down the affiliate road.
If you are a well-trained and experienced musician, you can easily create your own product like a training course about songwriting, an e-book, a coaching program, and so on.
Well, this comes with some additional work. But if it sells, you can keep all the profits in your pocket.
Deciding to start a music blog is definitely a good idea to make some money on the side.
The music niche is full of opportunities. Instruments, training programs, concert tickets …only to name a few.
If you are serious about launching your own website just follow these steps:
1. Find your niche
2. Get a “.com” domain and a hosting service
3. Write content
4. Generate traffic and
5. Monetize your blog
From my own experience I can assure you it’s an exciting and enjoying journey.
So, If you want to start a music blog right NOW, I highly recommend joining the Wealthy Affiliate training program, where you will get all information and free web hosting (for members). They offer a free membership (with limited access), what is a perfect option to see if you like it.
YES, I Want To Start My Own Music Blog Today
– Felix
So much comprehensive information. As you describe it, it seems a child play. I see you recommend Wealthy Affiliate; does it makes sense to pay for a premium membership? As far as I can see they offer a starter membership as well. Can I start and develop a blog only with starter membership?
This question comes quite a lot and I heard stories about people not going for the membership and succeeding. Anyways, I assume 98% subscribe to the membership, because it’s an almost unlimited source of knowledge, help and likeminded fellows, you can connect with. To me it’s an investment and there are online training courses taking $1.000 and not offering that value, you can get out of WA.
What a great resource for Starting up a blog. I have found some gems that I am putting away so when I take the plung I’ll be ready. Thanks for the walk through.
Thank you Stephen!
Hey Felix! This post is fantastic! It is really well written and thought out and supremely useful. I am new to the online affiliate world and the guidelines above will prove to be valuable, especially for music interest. Thank you very much!
Thanks for stopping by and reading. Apply everything and you’ll be one step further in your blogging journey. Good luck!
Awesome post! well written, great content I will be using some of those tips. Never thought about using Reddit to drive my own traffic I’m about to go see if they have a health section now. Thanks a million Felix!
Yeah, I bet they have a health section there. Go, do it and you’ll see instant effects.
Hi there! I woulddefinitely go the affiliate marketing way when deciding how to monetize my music blog. You give some really cool advices and I also agre with your point about Google Adsense.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hi Felix just wanted to leave a comment and say thank you so much for an enlightening article. There is great information here that people can use to turn their passion in to a real income!
Thank you Andy!
I’ve never really thought about making money as a musician. However, how do you feel about doing a video blog rather than writing content. For me, I am not always crazy about writing articles.
I have often toyed with the idea of doing a video blog. Basically, just putting the transcription down below.
Hi Garen, thanks for stopping by. If you don’t fancy writing, you can totally do a Vlog instead. Just open up a Youtube channel and build up your followers. You can apply most of the techniques described in this article, as well.
Good luck and all the best!
Wow great article for motivating people who have talent of dance and music to start our online business.
The tips you show here are very effective since a passion is something we could all enjoy.
I also like that you are well-informed about helping a person start. Thank you
Hi and thanks for your very insightful post about how to create and monetise your site. I think tat too many people don’t understand that you have to take some time and patience in order to get a steady stream of traffic to your site. Thanks for highlighting this and other useful tips in your article. Kenny
Great post. As a fellow musical blogger I think this is great. There is space out here for all of us willing to try. Don’t be scared of not having anything to write. If two people write write about the same topic, the chances are high that they will come up with completely different articles due to the fact that life shapes us differently.
One thing I assumed was that writing a blog would force you to grow (growing is uncomfortable). When you are teaching others you really have to know your stuff, and if you don’t……You can just research it! Music is a language and many people understand it, unfortunately you have to walk it back to English so that mere mortals can understand what you are talking about 🙂
It really is fun to talk about something you are passionate and good at. It is a good way to build a legacy because if you help even one person along their journey, I think that your mark on humanity can snowball and touch people so far down the line they aren’t even born yet! (maybe too dramatic?)
What a great idea to start your music blog. This is a great niche and one that is loved by many. Making money online is not only doable but very lucrative if you know what you ar doing. This is a Greta way for a musician or artist to start their online business. Thank you so much for sharing this it’s very informative.
Hi Felix,
This was a very good and thorough review on making a blog that anyone can follow in any niche. I agree with you in hosting at Wealthy Affiliate, it is much better than anywhere else, and I am saying it as a personal experience. Whenever I had any problem, I got answer very soon, sometimes in mins, while at other hosting companies, it can take days if not weeks and it can slow your business down a lot.
I really like that you give examples to everything, that is a great help to everyone.
I think that this article is for my brother. He is musician and he really have talent for music. He often asked me how he can start his own music website and I told him that it takes time and hard work. I am sure that he can earn big cash if he build his own blog. Thank you for this helpful words and advises, I did not know that it is not that hard as everyone talks about.
This is a nice read, and you are spot on about many bloggers giving up to soon. This business takes time to get it all rolling like you mentioned. I like the fact that you mentioned to find a sub-niche, this works well due to the competition online. If you have a unique niche you have a better chance at being an authority in that field and then the rankings will come and the money will follow. Your recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate is a solid choice since they are legit and offer more than just hosting and training, but an entire suite of tools and information to help you out.
Starting any type of blog can seem intimidating at first unless you have some kind of resource to get you through the fundamentals. I can vouch that WA offers great training for newbies and experienced bloggers alike. My son who’s very into the guitar has been trying to find ways to make money out of his passion and when I suggested blogging about it he basically rolled his eyes. I’m planning to tell him about this post and hopefully hearing this from someone other than his mother will trigger something:) Great article!
Hi Felix, I just started writing articles myself with Wealthy Affiliate and I am working my way through their training program as well. I have found the training to be excellent and the WA community to be unbelievably supportive! They really do lay it out for you step by step, and then answer any questions that you might have. I highly recommend it to your readers.
I wish you great continued success ….
Great article on how to start a music blog. What a fun niche and subject to be involved in. I love blogging and at its essence it’s really just about sharing your knowledge with others to help improve their lives.
Of course, learning about keyword research, encouraging engagement, and SEO are all essential components to drive traffic to your your blog, and ultimately increase conversions. Affiliate and social media marketing are also important tools to increase your success.
Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best platform to learn all the skills necessary to succeed online. Thanks for the tips to creating and monetizing a successful blog!
That’s an awesome post for individuals that are into music and seeking for a means to set up a music blog. You really said it all, opening a blog do worth monetizing it. I once own a music download blog but not hosted on Wealthy Affiliate but all hope was lost when Google banned my Adsense, It’s now I am on Wealthy Affiliate that I actually understand that Affiliate marketing is nice and to be engaged in for bloggers.
Oh, what a bummer! I still don’t get, why you only earned through adsense. Anyways, Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to learn.
Hi Felix,
Your post is encouraging for musicians and everyone who read it. It is very informative, you described step by step how to begin a niche and blogging.
For getting traffic is a nice option to go to forums in Quora and/or Reddit, as you said those are secret weapon for traffic generation. I haven’t heard about that, but once I was making a research and got directly to Quora and got a free account, I didn’t go back there, now I will do, Yes 😉
Your proposal to sell your own product in the site is very attractive. This implies courses, lessons, eBooks. Do you think is it possible to sell sheet music that you can write? I have someone close to me that will be very interesting to read your post, do you mind if I share it with him?
Thank you for sharing this post 🙂
Maria, please share this post with everyone you want. My goal with myvocalskills is to help and ignite other people, whose interests spin around singing/macing music.
As for the Q&A sites: If you want to increase traffic, you should definitely go back there and provide help and link to your site.
Great write up felix. I recently joined spotify and I believe this is one of the finest way now to make money as musician. I am planning on get some solid spotify promotion to boost up the steps. Will love to read a piece on how to make money as a musician from spotify.
Author has kept superb unknown ideas, that will help most of music lover. It is not only includes huge ideas but also user friendly with figure-out post. If anybody read this article will reinforce to get this. Thanks a million for this post.
Thanks for your nice words.
I’m flattered.
Wow never knew there is something like this on the internet, I appreciate it. It is amazing and wonderful. I will like for you to check mine also.
Sure, I’ll check it out.
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