Product: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, USB Audio Interface
Price: $ 143.00
Cheapest Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: 1.9 x 6.9 x 4.3 inches
Item Weight: 1.32 pounds
My Rating: 9.7 out of 10
The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Review
As a singer and songwriter, I regularly enter the cycle of writing and producing music. I used to make a simple recording on my smartphone, then take the song to my band members and make the real recording in a professional home studio.
Nevertheless, throughout songwriting I also had a lot of ideas regarding arrangement, that I’d like to try before wasting precious studio time. So I decided to arrange a mini home-studio, where I can make some pre-recording.
I already had a Mac, a Gibson guitar and a Neumann condenser microphone (which I also use for all recordings in the studio). After doing some quick research, I found out that all I needed to get started was an audio interface. An audio interface connects and sustains microphones and instruments with your computer.
What I wanted was quite clear
– Good audio quality
– USB connection
– Price under $200
– Easy to use (plug and play)
– Portable and handy sized
– Compatible with Mac
When I came across the Scarlett 2i2, it looked like a good deal. Nevertheless, the cheap price made me suspicious. I already bought two USB audio interfaces for around $ 100 some years ago and they where both crap.
The Scarlett, though, turned out to be different.
Features – A Little Box of Miracles
The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 is an all-you-need solution for everyone, who needs an audio interface from music-, and video producers to podcasters. This shiny little box of wonders will surprise with its lean design and straight to the point features.
– The device is a red, metal case that also feels amazing
– You have incorporated 2 exact same input channels with XLR combo jacks. That enables you to use for instance 2 mics (great for podcasts) or record vocals and instruments simultaneously (great for singer.songwriters).
– You can choose between line and instrument input. I personally use it both for guitar and microphone
– Gain control dials, that also have LED rings, which indicates, if you have a signal (green) or if you are clipping (red)
– Monitor dial to control the output level
– Rotary control for headphones volume
– Headphone output (6.3 mm)
– If you use a Mac, you don’t even need additional software. Just plug it in and you’re good to go.
Pros – What’s Awesome With the Scarlett 2i2?
– Straight to the point design. It’s a beautifully simple, compact and functional device.
– High audio resolution with a clean, crisp and loud sound. All the low end mud are naturally not noticeable
– Dials are nicely attached
– Can turn on/off 48V phantom power, which is important if you use a condensed microphone (?)
– Direct monitor switch. Turned on, you hear exactly the sound that’s on the recording.
– Input channels for 2 mics. A feature that’s hugely important in live settings, like podcasts.
– USB powered, so you don’t need an additional power supply.
– Free software bundle
==> Get One of the Most Popular USB Audio Interfaces <==
Cons – What Could Be Better?
There’s always room for improvement. In case of the Scarlett 2i2, you really have to search hard.
Nevertheless, I found some weak spots.
– Headphone dials are a little loose
– Phantom power can only be turned on/off for both channels.
– There’s no output for Midi
– A Second set of outputs for monitors would be nice
2nd Gen Improvements
For those, who already know the first version, it might be interesting, what changes have been applied to the Scarlett 2i2 2nd Gen.
– They redesigned the gain structure, so it’s easier to get the right gain.
– They also redesigned the instrument inputs to resolve the clipping issue, that occurred in the 1st Gen.
– Higher resolution, which enables you to record up to 190 kHz.
Where Can You Use The Scarlett 2i2?
– Music Recordings/ music production
– Video production
– Podcasts
– Streaming (video gaming)
No wonder Focusrite is claimed to be the number 1 interface company with the best-selling audio interface range in the world. I would have never expected such a great performance from an interface that comes for less than $ 200.
I’m totally happy and can strongly recommend the Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 to everyone, who is looking for a USB audio interface which:
– Is easy to use
– Performs a high quality audio resolution
– Can be used for both vocals and instruments
– Is a solid and robust device
– Has a splendid price/value ratio
==> Get Your Own Scarlett 2i2 Interface For the Best Price <==
I hope you found this review of value to your purchase decision.
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Great review. My father is in a band and they’re beginning to grow – which means their equipment gets more complicated and expensive. They’ve been in the market for something like this for their lead vocalist. What appeals to me about this product is the diversity it offers (which means it will be useful as they continue to grow) and the affordability for the quality you get. I’m not sure if they will ever move into anything like podcasts but if I never decide to, I will definitely give this a go.
Great gift for the holidays!
You are right Dave. Sounds like your father could really have a use for it!
Hey Felix, I’ve never been one for writing, but I have tried my hand at singing, to the detriment of my neighbors, and this little beauty of a musical interface would be great if I ever decided to pick it up again. I have also entertained the idea of a podcast with a few friends of mine, and this looks like a great start to finding the equipment we need, Thank you for your insight and keep on posting!
Absolutely, either music recordings or podcasts are a perfect fit for it.
Wow, your review of the Focusrite Scarlett was very thorough! It sound like a great product for recording. Seems like a really good price for it too. A friend of mine could really use this product. She wants to record her music. I will certainly pass this information on to her. Thank you for laying out the good and the bad. The more info we have, the better.
Thanks for reading and commenting Jennifer!
Hi I have several friends who are heavily into music and trying to make a career out of it. Including a vocalist and a guitar player in a band. I will show them your site and hopefully they will look at the rest of your site too. I find it very informative and hope others enjoyed it as much as me. Thanks Kenny
Hi Felix,thank you for writing this detailed post. My friend has some instruments and he mentioned to me Scarlett and Presonus… he showed me also something on his computer about composing. I like music, but I didn’t understand everything he said, though I remember that he said that Scarlett suits him more. I will tell him about this, I’m curious if this is still his favourite choise.
I really enjoyed reading about your take on a new musical technological instrument. The fact that you knew what you wanted ahead of time before purchasing makes things a lot easier to know what you need. I’m all about that high audio resolution, and this fits the bill perfectly. It’s important to have an audio that doesn’t have you hearing the low mud, and it’s nice that this has that. The pros power the cons greatly, and with the new designs their coming out with, they could work on their outputs, would be nice to hear and see. Thank you for teaching me something completely new! I’m book marking your page.
Hi Felix, a great review on the Scarlett 2i2! I used to play bass in bands many years ago. And I did find the concept of music studios daunting, not being in them – that was fun, but I was always nervous when it came to recording my music. I felt that I had wasted time (I did need more practice though). I wish I had something like this back then! The functionality of the easy to use buttons, makes it very appealing to me. The more recordings I could have done many years ago, on something like this would have been great! I still do know a few musicians, so I will certainly recommend this product!!!
Looks a decent piece of kit, and I remember Focusrite from the analog engineering days (remember them?) as a great product provider.
The one question I would have is in regards to the latency this will throw off when connected to a DAW on a PC. I never have any sort of latency issues with Logic on a Mac…but PC’s are a complete nightmare for it!
Does it sort itself out on a plug and play setting – or is there a lot of fiddling regarding the latency in recordings?
Great post and this seems to be a awesome product.
My best friend is a guitarman but also a singer, he wants to do a band with his brother, but they were looking for something like this.
Your post came on the right time, for the price/quality it seems to be the perfect one for them.
I will show him, and I’m sure he will buy it.
Thanks for sharing it with us!
Thanks Felix for your great review. Yet another reason to use a Mac and the equipment you recommend! I’m not a singer at all but my wife is so I’ll show it to her.Also what are the main benefits in using it as a podcaster (should I follow that route)? And how specifically do you use it for podcasts?I’ll appreciate your insights. Thank you
It is a good review of the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. for those who need a Good audio quality USB connection, nice Price, Easy to use, Portable and handy sized and also Compatible with Mac. For the price it is a great product and from the comfort of your home via Amazon you can get it.
I’m looking for a player that can play good quality music in the classroom as I work with children. Although the school does provide players, their players are really of bad quality and sometimes we can even hear the buzzing sound (I presume it is the sound of electricity) during the songs which really dampens the singing mood at times, so I’m looking to purchase one for myself.
I happen to chance on this post of yours and I’m quite pleased with what I see, although the budget is still a bit too expensive. I’m looking for something around $70 to $100, but quality is of utmost importance to me. Do you think it is worth it for me to get this, or do you have other better suggestions for my case?
Thanks Felix, what a great review and a wonderful little product.I’m a Mac user and can’t sing (though my wife can and will show it to her too). However I may consider getting into podcasting. How specifically can it help our with podcasting? So how would a new podcaster use it and what are the benefits of using it? Compared to say rather than a direct audio recording with a microphone?
I look forward to you sharing your insights, thank you Felix